This wonderful twist on an autumn classic is perfect for the upcoming holidays. It includes detailed instructions for a delicious and multi-purpose gluten-free vegan pie crust. The crust takes a little work, as does any pie crust made from scratch, but it was quite rewarding to serve it recently and have a friend as “Really? That is gluten-free?” You can start by preparing the dough and then make the filling while it is chilling.
1 c rice flour
½ c sorghum flour
¼ c potato starch/flour
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
½ c vegan shortening
3 tbsp vegan margarine
1 tsp xantham gum
1 tbsp white vinegar
½ - ⅔ c cold water
Saran Wrap and Wax Paper
The easiest way to make this dough is in a food processor with a dough blade, but it can also be done by hand.
1. Mix the 3 flours, xantham gum, salt and sugar in a separate bowl.
2. Prepare a glass of ice water for later. Place in fridge or freezer in the meantime.
3. Cut vegan shortening and margarine into flour until it looks like coarse meal. You can do this using a pastry cutter or two knives if you’re working by hand, or if you have a food processor, simply blend with a dough blade until you see the desired consistency.
4. Now slowly add water and vinegar. You may not need a full ⅔ c water. As you add more water, the dough will begin to stick together in larger and larger clumps. When the dough has formed into one large ball, stop and remove it from the food processor. If you are working by hand, mix dough with your fingertips while gradually adding water. Again, the dough should be wet enough to be incorporated into one large ball, but not so sticky that it clings to the sides of the bowl.
5. For best results, divide dough into two balls, press down until flatter and an inch thick, wrap tightly in Saran Wrap and chill in the fridge for an hour or two.
3 Comice or Bartlett pears
4 Granny Smith Apples
1 c sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp cloves
5 tbsp cornstarch
2 rounded scoops of vegan sour cream
½ c raisins
6. Peel and thinly slice apples and pears. (For a more rustic pie, you leave the peel on.)
7. In a large bowl, mix in sugar and spices.
8. Mix in cornstarch until there are no visible clumps.
9. Add sour cream and raisins, and let sit in the refrigerator for and 30 min or an hour.
10. When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, pre-heat the oven to 425°F.
11. When you are ready to roll the dough, tear off 3 pieces of wax paper larger than your pie pan. Place 2 of them in a t-shape like a cross on the counter. Sprinkle them with a bit of sorghum or rice flour and place dough in the middle. Next, sprinkle dough with flour and place the 3rd sheet of wax paper on top of it. Now, use the palm of your hand and a rolling pin to flatten and roll out the dough. The rolled dough should be large enough to cover your pie pan and form a crust and about ⅛ in thick.
12. Slowly peel off the top layer of wax paper. Use the 2 bottom pieces of wax paper to pick up the rolled crust and carefully flip it over into the pie pan. Now peel off the last two pieces of wax paper and press crust into the bottom and sides of the pie pan.
13. Pour filling into crust and repeat step 11 to roll the top crust. Using small cookie cutters or a knife, cut a few slits in the middle of the top crust for vents. Place top crust over filling. (You can also cut strips for the top crust if you prefer a lattice top.)
14. Trim top edges down so that there is approximately the same amount of excess dough (about 1 in) around the entire crust. Tuck under and press down. Now you can pinch the dough between your thumb and forefinger around the pie to make a decorative edge or, if this doesn’t come easily, you can use a fork to make indents.
15. Bake at 425°F for 15 min, then reduce oven temperature to 350°F and bake for another 35 min or until golden brown.